Hello! Last week, I had shown some animated sprites for two new enemy types. I want to show some more sprites in this post as well as make a bit of an announcement: I'm taking part in Devtober again this year. For those who don't know what Devtober is, it's like Inktober, but instead of it being about doing an inked drawing each day of October, it's about working on your game every day and posting progress on it every day. Read this Itch.io game jam page if you want to know more about it or if you want to participate yourself but don't know what the rules are. I just made a Twitter moment of my Devtober progress that will be updated every day (or at least, that's the goal) And here's some more enemy sprites: This is the Mimic Master, a special Mimic that will attack the party with powerful magic spells that can cause status ailments. Defeating this enemy will yield special gear or weapons for the party to equip. This is the Magus, an enemy that will attack the party with magic spells. And that's it for this progress update.
If you've made it this far, thanks for reading. I appreciate it. If you'd like, please consider sharing this blog post with your friends or on social media, it helps a lot! Until next time! Greetings, -Bas
authorI am Bas de Groot, a starting indie developer. This blog consists of me rambling on about game development, stuff I like and issues that I care about. Archives
October 2023